Nestled in the lush, picturesque terrains of Saradwadi, Shirur, Maharashtra, St. Chavara School was inaugurated on 13th June 2019 by the Catholic Diocese of Kalyan. The School is managed by the Santhome Charitable Trust of Kalyan. It sprawls four acres of a well planned property, adept with up to date facilities and services, conducive to modern day learning, while also keeping in mind the safety, security and over well-being of its students and employees.

Our Patron

St. Chavara Kuriakose Elias

St. Chavara School

"Days on which you have not rendered any good to others will not be reckoned in the book of life"


Rev. Dr. Thomas Elavanal

St. Chavara School

We encourage excellence, inventive and innovative thinking, and we stand for the highest standards of moral and spiritual values. If you are seeking a well-rounded, holistic education for your child, look no further. Enrol your child at St. Chavara School in the able hands of its noble teaching and care-giving fraternity.


Rev. Sr. Litty Thomas

St. Chavara School

Here at St. Chavara School, we endeavour to bring about change; one student at a time. Come, join us, as we build a community of mindful, proactive and compassionate students.

Board Members


Welcome to Rosebell International

Our school entrusts the care taking and learning of children to trained professional caretakers who bridge age relevant learning gaps through innovative, interactive and experiential play. The children are hand held towards working at developing their motor skills, speaking skills and sensory perceptions through these activities among others.


Story Telling
Music & Movement
Nursery Rhymes with Finger plays
Creative Arts
Math Concepts
Pre-writing Skills
Pre-reading Skills
Fine & Gross Motor Skills
Social Skills
Interactive Play
Problem Solving Skills


40 min: Health Check, Social Interaction & Settling Down-Toys, Fun & Games
5 min: Circle Time & Attendance. Good morning Song.
40 min: Introduce the Lesson & Hands On Activities
10 min: Water break/ Toilet
15 min: Reading time/ Playgroup Games/ Rhymes with Finger plays/ Music & Movement.
Getting ready to Go Home/free play

Board Members

Our teaching staff are multidisciplinary, fully certified teachers. They are subject and content specialists with a wealth of experience, specialized in working with students in an online environment.


Download Application Form
School Admission Form

Rosebell Admission Form

N.B. Bring the filled form when you come to school office for admission or email scanned copy to Email:    stchavaraps@gmail.com

Fill in the details below, and we shall get back to you
